About us
ग्रामलाईट का लक्ष्य हर गाँव में हो
ऊर्जा संरक्षण एवं उद्योग का विकास
आत्मनिर्भर । आत्मसम्मान । आत्मविशवास
Self Sustainainablity | Self Respect | Self Confidence
The Gramlite kit is the first step in making this happen. It’s a cost-effective, easy to assemble, durable and high-quality photovoltaic lamp powered by solar energy.
Provide Skill development, Rural employment, self sustainable Eco system
Develop Self Sustaining Community through Rural Entrepreneurship
Creating 100000 village entrepreneurs by 2024, creating a self sustaining Ecosystem
Gramlite: Lighting Villages
What is Gramlite
Gramlite believes that developing India has to conserve and save energy, in order to be lighted, Gramlite has conceived and developed a model where every person can learn and develop skill to make their own LED Lamp by adopting “Gramlite Manufacturing Unit” this will come in various models for Bulb, Tube Lights, Street Lights and Flood Lights.
Gramlite in Hindi means
“Village Light” or “Lighting the Villages”.
Many Indian household still rely on Incandescent Lights (ICL) for their lighting needs. Incandescent Lamps are extremely energy inefficient because over 90% of electricity is wasted as heat by this type of light. The replacement of these ICLs with LEDs would have a potential to save more than 100 billion units of electricity which is equivalent to around 20000 MW of peak load reduction.
So it is a matter of time that all Rural India will be implementing LED in their areas for energy savings as cost of energy is increasing yearly not only in India but Globally. LED lighting have a very long life, almost 50 times more than ordinary bulbs, and 8-10 times that of CFLs, and therefore provide both energy and cost savings in the medium term.
It is proven that presence of good sources of light improves livelihood of the population and makes it possible for households to increase their working hours beyond daylight. Affordable clean energy services will improve the income and health of the households hence reduction of poverty.
Gramlite products are well designed to address the rural lighting scenarios and ensure that each village household gets to live in the white energy saving light improving their livelihood.
Skills and knowledge are the driving forces of economic growth and social development in a country. As opposed to developed countries, where the percentage of skilled workforce is between 60% and 90% of the total workforce, India records a low 5% of workforce (20-24 years) with formal vocational skills.
Our study has also found that over 70% of India’s rural population still feels that LED manufacturing is a complex and costly process, for which they are not skilled enough.
Gramlite will like to change the perception by enabling the skill to learn on how to make a LED lighting solution at home thereby improving rural household socio-economic condition. Gramlite Manufacturing Unit is a project to support Skill development and Self Employment in Rural India, Complementing Government’s efforts to spread the message of energy efficiency in the country.
Gramlite offers “Gramlite Manufacturing Unit (GMU) ” for LED Bulb assembly in Villages for people seeking Self Employment and create their business. Gramlite Manufacturing units shall be provided with technology, know-how and branding to develop and emerge as a True Village Entrepreneur developing LED Products not only for current but for future requirement also.
The entrepreneur once developed can develop several other products which are needed in villages in future. This is the true vision and Gramlite Movement for Employment, Conservation and self-sustainability leading to stable tomorrow.
To be developed Assembly of EV Cycles in Villages, with the help of retrofit kits. So you can buy Gramlite Kit and convert your old cycle into E – Cycle for village application, on each charge the cycle can run for 40 Km.
The Gramlite Entrepreneur can create charging infrastructure in village for additional revenue also will maintain and support the E-Cycle in the villages thereby transition the village communities to connect with global communities on the EV revolution